
26 January 2011

And so it begins

My Dear Lissy-Lu,
Many years ago women spent hours recording every detail of their housekeeping so their daughters would have access to their hard-earned wisdom once they moved away from home.  From favorite family recipes to first aid for chickens, nothing was left out.
It has been my desire for many years to compile a book for you.  You won't need or want to do everything the way I do, and sometimes calling for advice is just the excuse you need to enjoy a quiet conversation and unburden your heart a bit.  But for the days when you need a recipe, or wonder how I did something, or maybe why I did what I did, I hope these letters will come in handy.
You're just a bitty little thing right now.  You turned 8 on Sunday.  Do you remember your favorite gifts?  How you set up a tea party for your dolls with the beautiful china set the Scearbos gave you?  Carving a bar of Ivory soap into a little apple with your first pocket knife? You love to be busy, you love beautiful things, and you have a tender, happy disposition.  I hope all of those qualities will follow you into womanhood and serve you well as you build a home.

I love you to the moon (and back),

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