

I enjoy reading each of these blogs as I have time.  However, I do not  have time to check every post, comment thread, and link on these sites.  I trust that you will use discernment when choosing to follow a link (regardless of where, or from whom the recommendation comes),  remembering that the Word of God – not the opinion of man (or woman) - is the final authority in all matters.

Mommy Blogs

So much more than child-rearing!  Veronica has a love of old books, hard thinking, and the ministry.

Simple Mom Blog Family  Tsh runs a family of blogs (simple mom, simple bites, simple kids, simple homeschool, and simple organics) that focus on living simply and intentionally.  

Cooking & Crafting Blogs

FreeStyle Foodie   I'm not sure which I enjoy more:  the recipes or the writing.  I am simply smitten with the way Rachel combines words so that I am transported to her kitchen with every post.

Miss Jen's Kitchen Adventures  Jen's new blog is full of kid-friendly recipes that will appeal to adults as well.  


Andrea's boys take center stage as she cooks, crafts, and shares her creative passion with style, grace, and a healthy dose of New England humor.  

Home Management

Handfuls of Purpose  The graceworks planners are designed for Christian women who need or desire a little extra structure to manage their homes smoothly.  Tricia runs homemaking challenges (very cool prizes!) and offers her Bible Studies free before they become pay-per-download on her website.


Pins and Needles  Summerset's daily blog chronicles each step of her intricate art garments from design to international competition, which she wins with alarming regularity.   She also documents dozens of sewing and knitting projects she creates for her family each year.   Her "parting shots" ranging from a naughty kitty (Oh, how we need our fix of Wellie!) to her son's garden are a fun extra.

Sacred Motherhood  Kristin posts quotes, artwork,  and excerpts from her reading on marriage, motherhood, and Christian growth. 

The Nourished Kitchen and Smitten Kitchen  Both of these ladies (also Northerners) choose to use local, seasonal ingredients.  The Nourished Kitchen posts creative and delicious "nutriceutical" recipes and techniques that maximize the foods nutritional value.  Smitten Kitchen features French bistro-style cooking, a sassy/snarky French attitude, and gorgeous photography.  While I rarely have the time or money to reproduce a recipe exactly, I glean a lot of inspiration and the knowledge that I can persevere in providing healthy, yummy meals for my family over a thousand times a year without resorting to boxes, bags, and cans of processed yuck.

Raising Homemakers
Raising Homemakers is a professional, multi-author blog along the same lines as this one.  It is my primary "link-up" site.

Defenestration Coding  Your brother recently started his own blog for computer programmers.  While I understand very little of what he writes, he makes an effort to create attention-grabbing titles, include cool graphics, and always invites the input of his readers.  I highly recommend Friday Funnies :-)