
05 July 2012

Inductive Bible Study, Part 7: Wrap It Up!

Dear Lissy,
Wasn't the 4th beautiful?  I always enjoy family get togethers at the lake. We've done an enormous amount of work Observing, Interpreting, and Applying through chapter analysis.  We need to have a readily accessible record of our study so we can refer back to it often.   Everyone does this a little differently, but there are five things I want to have on permanent record from my study.

Chapter and paragraph titles Chart
Create a chart that has the title of each chapter and the paragraphs within the chapter.  This forces you to synthesize everything you've learned into a short sentence or phrase.  Each of the paragraph phrases should support and connect to the chapter title, and the chapter title should support and connect to the book title.  After completing the entire book, you should have a one page chart that you can slide into the back cover of your study binder for at-a-glance reference.

Information observed and inferred about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
If you haven't kept a running log as you studied, go back through your notes and write down what you've learned about each person of the Godhead.  This practice helps me live Jeremiah 9:24, my life verse.  Pastors and Bible scholars often create charts of every single doctrine or truth they've encountered in a study.  I don't choose to do that, but it is a valuable tool if you teach the word of God systematically.

Word Studies
Each time you do an inductive study you'll need to access old word studies.  I find it easiest to store these on my computer in a file labeled "Word Studies", but I print a hard copy out for my study binder and store them behind a dedicated label.

Meditation prompts from application
I like to create index cards or printables (mini posters) that remind me of the truths I need to transform my heart.  These usually end up taped up by the sink or on my nightstand for several months before I file them away for occasional review.  Another trick is to create wallpaper or a screensaver for your computer monitor.

Notes to put in my Bible
Using a pigma or similar style pen, transfer any notes into your Bible that you want to remember every time you turn to the passage.  Use the smallest mark possible.   Your goal is to create a series of "nightlights" to illuminate the text.  I've written a lengthy letter on Bible marking, so I won't rehash it here.

We're through with the Inductive Series at this point.  If you choose to do a verse-by-verse analysis, look at Torrey's How to Study the Bible for Greatest Profit.   He describes the process in detail and even gives his verse by verse breakdown of 1 Peter.  Another excellent source is D.L. Moody's Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study.  They are available free to read on the web, or for a nominal fee on Kindle.


Inductive Bible Study, Part 1: Preparation
Inductive Bible Study, Part 2: Read
Inductive Bible Study, Part 3: Seeking the Context
Inductive Bible Study, Part 4: Book Summary Key
Inductive Bible Study, Part 5: The Choice
Inductive Bible Study, Part 6a: Chapter Analysis
Inductive Bible Study, Part 6b:  Identifying Key Words
Inductive Bible Study, Part 6C: Finding the 3C's
Inductive Bible Study, Part 6D: It's About Time
Inductive Bible Study, Part 6E: Keep Digging
Inductive Bible Study, Part 6F: Word Studies
Inductive Bible Study, Part 6G: Considering Context
Inductive Bible Study, Part 6H: Application Brings Transformation 
Inductive Bible Study, Part 7: Wrap It Up!

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